
Seattle Spotting

Warning: image heavy post :)

During March 16-19, we had an ADEA Conference in Seattle. There wasn't any particular important reason why I had to be there since I didn't have a national position & it was smack dab in the midst of our finals' week. But HEY! Free flights, registration, and hotel with an amazing view? OKAY! It was a chance to explore Seattle, meet people from other schools, attend workshops & meetings, do some voting, represent UCSF for 1 hr at the booths, and bump into my lovely Christina! There was also the Deans Dinner on Sunday evening. It was nice getting to talk to our professors on a more personal level and getting to know quirky things about them. It was so fun hanging out and eating at different places. Any break between workshops that I had, I would go about and explore the area...or feel guilty and try to study for finals. Food and drinks I love and miss from Seattle: bacon maple doughnut at the Pike's Market, Lola's hand made donuts, Monorail's bacon maple latte, & Dahlia Bakery's cookies. Downtown area was really pretty with sky high architectures, which didn't help with the insanely strong wind we had to endure. It made San Francisco feel not so cold in comparison. All about the downtown area, there were arts and sculptures dispersed, which explains those blue trees above-pretty amazing. On the bottom floor of Pike's Market, there was a wall filled with gum. It was stinky and I contributed a piece of gum to that wall. The seafood was pretty good, fresh, and jumbo! Thanks Heather & Christina for making the trip that much more entertaining! ♥ _oli

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