
Viet Nam Day 2

Day 2! Kelley and I ate with her family at Nha Hang Ngon for breakfast. Then we went to central area of downtown Saigon. I took some pictures outside of Nha Tho Duc Ba (Notre Dame Cathedral). I'm sad we never got a chance to go inside the cathedral or to visit the nice post office next door. Kelley and I met up with my cousin Tito--haven't seen that woman for years!! She brought us around, bringing me to places she brought my sister a few weeks back. She got us our first nuoc mia (sugar cane) drink and it was delicious! She brought us to the Ben Thanh Market where we got to try our first mangosteen and sinh to bo ca phe of Viet Nam! The market sells fruits, coffee beans, snacks, clothes, purses, souvenirs, etc. Tito brought us to Sozo where we tried out her favorite oreo truffles. They were yummy and thick. This is on the Sozo website about their mission:

"We  currently have 15 to 20 staff in our shop training program giving them basic skills of life, so that they will have a hope and a future. We are sending the children to school & sending some of the older ones to further education. they are learning how to bake, handle money, and run a business. Our aim is to change lives, restore hope and be available for any who are in need, to make a difference in the lives of ALL who come into Sozo..."

She also brought us to "Chewy Junior" where we ate cream puffs. It was pretty good, but the inside oozed out everywhere for me and leaked all over my hands and plate. But I'm just messy I guess. Then Tito brought us to her home area where I got to try some street snacks: buttered corn and quail eggs/some sort of sausages. So delicious!!! Thanks, Tito, for giving us a fun tour & treating us out! It was good to see you! Hopefully I'll see you in LA soon. Kelley and I went home after to get ready and pack for our trip with PVNF the next day. 

More to come of the actual clinical trips!


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