
Oli's Friday Favorites


We've known each other for around 12 years now and have been best friends for a decade. I love arguing with you all the time my dear hubby. I love when we meet up because we talk forever and ever. Thank you for always making the hour drive to my far house just so we can hang out for a bit. Thank you for introducing me to Wii dance--it truly is amazing and especially fun when we dance together because we're so good....Thank you for sharing with me your passion for instrumental music as it has helped me find my passion in music as well. Thank you for exposing me to the fiddling club--hahah it was amazing to fiddle with the violin with you in dorky and ugly over sized polo uniforms. Thank you for trying to teach me proper Korean linguistic when you're not even Korean. Thank you for giving me your food during high school (actually till this day). Thank you for changing into your P.E. shorts with me every time I had to for ...you know why... during high school. Thank you for being patient (for the most part) with me. Thank you for visiting me all the times you did in San Francisco when it was really hard for me to adjust away from family. We've been through so many ups and down with each other and been there for each other during our own ups and downs in life. Thank you for always being solid and strong when I wanted to just fall down and give up. Thank you for being my forever friend. I look forward to infinite more experiences with you as we make more life changing decisions. I love you very much. Now I am going to call you, better pick up love.


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