
Winter Quarter Test Cases

For those interested, this is a look into some hands on work you will be exposed to in the beginning of first year thus far. Fall Quarter we learned basic ergonomics and a few cases just to ease us into dental hands on work. Some stuff we learned were sealants, liners, class I prep, waxing, and composites--I cannot remember what else. Winter Quarter we learned some crown & bridge work as well as diving further into operative work.  For the Crown & Bridge class, we learned to prep for gold crowns, made temps using two different methods (ion temp crowns and acrylic temp crown), worked with an articulator, and continued waxing for the casting. Operative we learned to do class II and V preps and filled them up with amalgam or glass ionomer. We learned to polish a few of the amalgams towards the end of the quarter. We practiced prepping for the amalgam fillings on both typodonts and natural teeth (the teeth I collected during the summer). Here are pictures of some of my test cases/class work from Winter '12 quarter:

The last two pictures are what we worked on for awhile towards the end of the quarter. The articulator (the black device) mimics a person's bite. From there we had to make the mounting and working cast. You mount them both on the blue stone seen. In this case, you wax this up (with the help of a die that's not shown) so that it could be sent to the lab to create a full gold veneer crown. On the actual teeth of the patient (typodont) you make a temp (acrylic temp shown above) to cover the prep until the actual gold crown is complete & ready. I believe we learn how to cast a gold crown Spring Quarter. It was all pretty overwhelming and frustrating at first, but it becomes more exciting once I got the hang of things.


Anonymous said...

Did you do anything to study for clinic work during the summer before dental school at all? I'm wondering how I should spend this summer!
Thanks for the post :)

Xtina said...

I love this post your pictures are so cool. I should do a lab post too...I haven't been very good with bringing my camera there though.

olishmackamoli said...

89% of the pictures are from my iphone! you can totes take with your ipad. But yeah it's hard b/c it'll make your ipad dirty or you're in a rush to get out and go homee!

& to comment above, I didn't do anything to study for clinic because I didn't know what to do. Only thing I did was collect teeth... Christina and I went to a Midwestern-AZ simulation program where they gave us let us take impressions, wax, work with composite, etc so that helps give an idea of what everything is. I say read and play--mainly just make the most of your summer :)