
What's Your Pick?


I need help. What to pick: MacBook Pro or Lenovo Thinkpad! I need a long lasting battery for all day everyday class use, portability, preferably ahmazing screen/graphics clarity, and (I unnecessarily want) a good sound system. If I get a MBP, I'd have to buy a program to make it parallel to Microsoft for my CAD/CAM programs or something like that. What do you guys use? 

Thanks a bunch! -oli

edit // additional input from my classmates on the Facebook forum:
Garrett: Olivia, I'm thinking the same thing. I've been shopping around and from what i heard, we would need to buy parralells, windows, and microsoft student/home which would run us about $400 in total. Furthermore, because we would be running 2 individual operating systems simultaneously, it would be smart to upgrade the 4GB to 8GB which would cost another $200. At this point I've already exceeded my budget and now feeling nauseous. haha On the other hand, I've been wanting to make the switch from PC to Mac, but at what cost?! How does everyone else feel?

Mandy: Olivia, many stick with Mac books bc of battery life. Lectures are 4 hrs long and many pcs don't last

NilooMaybe another reason why a lot of people use macs is that they generally last longer than pcs? I've heard pcs are built to last at least 2 yrs while macs are built to last at least 4yrs.


Anonymous said...

Macbook! I have tried windows PC's for years, I think its time for a change

Anonymous said...

Macbook, so much more simple and reliable! The other one looks bulky and outdated lol

olishmackamoli said...

Thank you for your suggestions! I'm just afraid problems might come when I have to download software for school. :)

little bird said...

Oli. D: dangit. I was thinking about this for the future and am going mac...

:| now that you have spent a year with your lenovo (actually they look pretty nice and nobu has a tablet version that i'm kinda jealous of...) how do you feel?

olishmackamoli said...

Hi little bird :)

Majority of my classmates are mac book pro, mac book air, some ipads, and some PCs. I actually went with a different lap top that my classmate suggested. It's the Toshiba Protege. Looks? meh. sound system? eh. But besides ipads and the air lap tops, my lap top is the next lightest! It's like 3lbs or so? That's why I chose my lap top: long battery life, easy to install CAD/CAM software, and light weight.

I don't think it will matter just what you're most comfortable with :) You'll just probably need to purchase the parallel for the MBP. And Christina has the lenovo lap top and ipad if you want to ask about those :)