

Happy Birthday Love!! I wish I could celebrate it with you and that you didn't have to study for finals during your birthday. The first picture is my all time favorite picture of you (Dr. Patterson loves it too haha!). Reminds me of our love for ice cream. I remember once during Spring Quarter when we kind of went obsessed with Trader Joe's coffee ice cream + milk and the mint oreo cookies ice cream. We were even obsessed with pistachio ice cream in Cambridge, searching for a cone erryday. Thanks for physically introducing me to macarons. People around me kept talking about it, but you brought Paulette's macarons down to so cal when you visited and you got me hooked ever since. I kind of went crazy going back on our old pictures. I wished we took more! I had to stop myself from looking at all the pictures. I got so nostalgic. I miss our narcissistic moments when we'd just take a crazy load of whacky pictures of ourselves. I miss the times we'd dance in the living room... which reminds me of 2nd year when you got a little too excited and over exerted yourself while stretching (lololol..I hope you know what I'm talking about and that I'm not laughing by myself). I miss our phase of watching Friends/HIMYM/SATC non stop. That seems to be our trend: finding something we like and going overboard with it (like repeating songs over and over). I'm so glad we got the chance to go on such amazing adventures such as country hopping! I was looking at a few Cambridge pictures and realized how tan we got--probably the tannest we ever got of all the years in undergrad. We need to do more of that--maybe in the next three years... me, you, aud, and jennie can go big and celebrate being done with an awesome roomies reunion. Remember we spoke of getting a penthouse in Vegas (ha!)... I know Wayland wanted in as well. I really cannot wait for the day we graduate and celebrate it big (because this particular reunion is SO going to happen). Miss you loads and I hope I can eventually go to NYC and frolic about with you in your dental habitat. And we all need to meet up no matter how short so we can have up to date pictures/memories. Good luck with finals, I know you will do awesome. Love you!

Much love,

1 comment:

Xtina said...

Awwz thank you! Love you too!!