
Where's All My Milk Toofs?!

UCSF asks incoming students to collect approximately 200 extracted teeth. I think I have found two teeth! Hoorah...! Just thought I'd share that requirement with you guys--not that you guys should really prepare for it this early on if you haven't even applied to dental school, yet. I believe other schools also require a tooth collection (whether it be 1st or 2nd year--my sister's friend from NYU needed to collect extracted teeth as well). I talked to a UCSF D1 (1st year dental student) and she told me that she's only used 6 of her collected teeth thus far and that second year that's when she'll really have to use the teeth. The teeth are meant to help learn about certain techniques before actually performing the dental procedures on patients.

I had to get jars and fill them up with 10% buffered formalin solution to collect the extracted teeth (be careful, it contains formaldehyde, which can be toxic, carcinogenic, & allergenic). The teeth do not need to be sterilized or autoclaved, the chemical will sterilize and keep the teeth fresh.

It was actually hard for me to find a dentist to get extracted teeth from. My own dentist said he had rows of jars and his own son (D1 at USC) to help, so I didn't bother giving him another jar. Other oral surgeons were giving the extracted teeth to their own dental assistants who were also incoming dental students. I felt like I was going around begging for teeth! So as of now, I have a jar in Rancho Santa Margarita and Los Angeles--silly how far I have to go to collect teeth! So point is, just be aware when seeking for teeth that your community is saturated with not only dentists, but also dental students!

And here's a song I've been having on repeat!

Your pseudo tooth fairy,
Olivia xox


Unknown said...

my pop's friend's were unable to spare any toofs for you.
sorry olive

olishmackamoli said...

Thanks anyway, Ant!

bforbones said...

hi students needing real human extracted teeth for their educational purposes can buy from this website
